by H.Kenedy
(extracted from 'Satanic Apologetics and The
Church Sex Abuse Scandal')
Macquirelatory Website
(In preceding chapters) all point to a
cabal of child molesting and sexually abusive Catholic priests, at
least some of whom were involved with various forms of Satanism.
This cabal of Luciferian priests is a
very real presence in the world, and considering the support these
perverted curates received form the Church hierarchy,
Malachi Martin's claim that
they constitute an organized fraternity of Satanists, which he
referred to as "Lucifer's Lodge," proves true. It functions with the
secret support of the church hierarchy on all levels.
Martin alluded to this child-molesting cult several times in his
His assertions are worth reviewing at
length, considering that much of what he claimed to be true has
recently come to light in the popular press:
Most frighteningly for John Paul, he
had come up against the irremovable presence of a malign
strength in his own Vatican and in certain bishops' chanceries.
It was what knowledgeable Churchmen called the 'superforce.'
[The] incidence of Satanic
pedophilia - rites and practices - was already documented among
certain bishops and priests as widely dispersed as Turin, in
Italy, and South Carolina, in the United States. The cultic acts
of Satanic pedophilia are considered by professionals to be the
culmination of the Fallen Archangel's rites...1
Suddenly it became inarguable that now,
during this papacy, the Roman Catholic organization carried a
permanent presence,
of clerics who worshipped Satan and liked it
bishops and priests who sodomized boys and each other
of nuns who
performed the "Black Rites" of Wicca, and who lived in lesbian
... every day, including Sundays and Holy Days, acts of
heresy and blasphemy and outrage and indifference were committed and
permitted at holy Altars by men who had been called to be priests.
Sacrilegious actions and rites were not
only performed on Christ's Altars, but had the connivance or at
least the tacit permission of certain Cardinals, archbishops, and
bishops... In total number they were a minority - anything from one
to ten percent of Church personnel. But of that minority, many
occupied astoundingly high positions or rank.
[The] facts that brought the Pope to a
new level of suffering were mainly two:
The systematic organizational
links - the network, in other words - that had been
established between certain clerical homosexual groups and
Satanist covens.
And the inordinate power and
influence of that network.
[Martin quoted:
In at least three major cities, members
of the clergy have at their disposal at least one pedophiliac coven
peopled and maintained exclusively by and for the clergy. Women
religious can find a lesbian coven maintained in a similar way.2
In a 1996 banned interview for the American Family Association,
Malachi Martin also reported that 1 to 2% of priests in the Roman
Catholic Church are practicing Satanists who are involved with some
form of ritualized sexual abuse (AFA: August 3, 1996).
He drew this statistic from a 1996
secret church study that he received from a Vatican source.
Some of
the contents of this study were leaked to the media and have been
made public. Vatican officials have never voluntarily released any
of their studies concerning the sexual lives of their priests and
nuns. All documents were anonymously leaked by well-meaning
higher-ups in the Roman Catholic Church.
There are those good Catholics who
remain within the Church and leak damning evidence against the
Vatican. Without them the injustice of Catholic clergy abuse would
continue, and scores of more children and women would suffer at the
hands of vile clerics.
Martin also mentions the existence of "Mother Chapels" in the banned
AFA video, and states that they were Satanist covens operating
secretly in the Catholic Church. The existence of the Black Room and
Devil's Room in the previous case studies points to this assertion
as fact. There are in reality various ad hoc ritual chambers used by
Catholic priests for the ritual abuse of children.
What Martin called Lucifer's Lodge or the Superforce refers
to a small cabal within the Vatican that controls certain aspects of
church policy and has set guidelines allowing for wide-scale sexual
abuse by Catholic clerics - a small number of whom are involved in
satanic ritual abuse. This faction is merely a component of a
greater conspiracy that operates within and outside of the Roman
Catholic Church.
It must be pointed out that the vast majority of Catholic clergy
never break their vows of celibacy. Furthermore, the average
Catholic cleric who sexually abuses helpless victims is not an overt
Satanist or a Luciferian in that they do not worship or mimic the
Prince of this World.
However, a very small number of priests
do engage in SRA and have caused a huge amount of damage while
enjoying the full backing of their respective bishops who bent over
backwards to enable them to continue ritually abusing innocent boys
and women.
The policy of silence and cover - up promoted by the Vatican is mind
- boggling. The vast amount of data which the Vatican collected
concerning the sexual activity of clergy makes it clear that the
Pope and Curia were well aware of how wide-spread and common the
sexual abuse problem was in the Church. It did nothing to redress
the situation but continued with a policy of cover - up and silence.
It seems that the only reason the
Vatican ordered these secret sex studies was to get a global picture
of where they stood and to develop informed strategies for hiding
the problem in the future. Never was the welfare of the victims of
sexual abuse taken into consideration, nor was the question of
broken chastity vows apparently of any real concern.
Although the Church has not released all
the statistics it possesses on clerical abuse, the contents that
were leaked from
the Vatican sex abuse dossier are
The Sexual
Abuse of Nuns
"According to the 1996 survey of
nuns in the United States (which was intentionally never
published by the Church but was leaked by some Vatican insider),
it is reported that a minimum of 34,000 Catholic nuns (about 40%
of all American nuns) [CORRECT NUMBERS??] claim to have been
sexually abused.
Three of every four of these nuns
claimed they were sexually victimized by a priest, nun, or other
religious person. Two out of five nuns who stated they were
sexually abused claimed that their exploitation included some
form of genital contact. All nuns who claimed repeated sexual
exploitation reported that they were pressured by religious
superiors for sexual favors."3
"The 1994 Vatican study by Sister Maura O'Donohue, a physician
and Catholic nun, linked the alleged sexual abuse of nuns in
Africa to the spread of AIDS.
'Sadly, the sisters also report
that priests have sexually exploited them because they too had
come to fear contamination with HIV by sexual contact' with
other women, O'Donohue stated."4
"In November 2001, Pope John Paul II publicly apologized for the
sexual abuse of nuns by priests. But critics observed that the
papal apology was one paragraph long and buried within a 120 -
page message ("Catholics in Oceania" of all obscure topics) that
covered a wide range of issues."5
Organizations, including the National
Coalition of American Nuns, are calling to the Catholic Church for
Their call includes specific allegations against the
American Church, for example:
"In the United States, Church
authorities shielded a parish priest from prosecution by
returning him to the Philippines so that he could elude a
lawsuit filed by a woman who as a teenager was sexually abused
by him." 6
After seven years of public reports and
internal church memos, the truth about the sexual abuse of women by
priests is starting to surface.
Articles are beginning to appear in
scattered and comparatively low-circulation publications, like Jane
Eisner's article in the June 16 Center Daily Times, "Abused Nuns Get
Scant Attention."
The reports all ask a version of the
same question: When the 300 American bishops recently met in Dallas
to formulate policy on priests who sexually abuse children, why was
the abuse of women not mentioned?
This situation concerning the poor treatment of nuns at the hands of
pervert priest demonstrates that the actions of Father Robert Meffan
are far more common than people believe. The extent of the sexual
abuse of nuns is huge, and it is not too unlikely that much of this
abuse involves the Luciferian sex magic that Meffan was permitted to
practice by Cardinal Bernard Law.
media black-out of the sexual
abuse of women by clerics in both ritual and non-ritual cases is a
great disgrace. The plight of male children who suffer
under abusive priests is, of course, horrifying and should receive
wide media coverage.
However, the sexual abuse of nuns and women by
clerics is a far larger problem.
Massachusetts AG's Report on Priest Pedophilia
The Attorney General of Massachusetts, Thomas Reilly, called
the clergy sexual abuse scandal in the Archdiocese of Boston "the
greatest tragedy to befall children - ever" in Massachusetts, one
that involved far more priests and many more victims than 18 months
of traumatic public disclosures have suggested.7
Reilly, in releasing the report on a 16
- month investigation, said that over six decades at least 237
priests and 13 other church employees were accused of molesting at
least 789 minors. Reilly said the actual number of victims may be
much higher, and probably exceeds 1,000.8
But Reilly also said that, though he wished it were otherwise, he
could find no criminal statute under which he could prosecute church
leaders, including Cardinal Law.
Nonetheless, he concluded that Law, his
two predecessors as archbishop, and numerous subordinate bishops
facilitated the years of abuse, protecting priests time and again
while leaving children vulnerable.
"The mistreatment of children was so
massive and so prolonged that it borders on the unbelievable,"
Reilly said. Church leaders, he said, "in effect, sacrificed
children for many, many years." 9
The report also cited evidence that Law
"had firsthand knowledge of the problem of clergy sexual abuse of
children for many years" - even before he became archbishop of
Boston in 1984.
Reilly's office, which had to use grand
jury subpoenas to force disclosures by church officials, discovered
fresh evidence of efforts by Law's deputies, five of whom now head
their own dioceses, to hide the problem from the public, and
sometimes from inquiring law enforcement officials.10
For example:
"Bishop Robert J. Banks in 1984
urged prosecutors and a judge to be lenient toward the Rev.
Eugene M. O'Sullivan, who had pleaded guilty to raping an altar
boy. Banks, according to the report, knew something prosecutors
didn't - that O'Sullivan had other victims. Banks is now the
bishop of Green Bay, Wisconsin, as mentioned in the chapter on
Father Kunz." 11
"After a Hingham pastor, the Rev.
John R. Hanlon, was indicted on rape charges in 1992, Bishop
Alfred C. Hughes did not disclose to the law enforcement
officials who contacted him that a second victim of Hanlon had
complained to the archdiocese. Hughes is now archbishop of New
Orleans." 12
"'Even now' the report said, 'the process protects priests at
the expense of victims' when complaints are lodged by giving the
archbishop discretion on whether to investigate. Also, Reilly
said, the lay review board does not have independence from the
archbishop, and there is still no provision to monitor the
behavior of accused priests who have been removed from
ministry." 13
"The total number of diocesan and religious order priests
accused in the Archdiocese of Boston, according to Reilly's
report, is 237, which includes a handful of religious brothers.
Reilly's report does not say how many of the 237 are diocesan
priests. Citing that evidence, the report said that Law 'bears
ultimate responsibility for the tragic treatment of children
that occurred during his tenure.'
The AG never charged Bernard Law
with any crime, claiming that the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
had no laws on the books to cover the prelate's action and
policies. Law will die a free man and will most likely be able
to vote for the next Pope".14
Messiahs in
the Sewer
In trying to
understand the entire phenomenon of clergy sexual abuse and the
Satanic Ritual elements found in some of the cases, one must ask if
there is some historical precedent for these occult practices. The
answer is yes.
Christian history is full
of various heresies that have involved occult sex rituals as part of
their theology and spiritual practice. In an earlier chapter, the
existence of an "underground sewer" (a metaphor borrowed from
Saint Thomas Aquinas) was examined wherein the existence of
various church-run brothels was proven.
As mentioned, it is
within this underground sewer that various sexual occult heretical
practices could have survived right under the nose of the church.
There may even have been various cults that continued to exist
within this covert world of sex and religion. One heresy that may
have survived could explain much of the occultism and sexual abuse
rocking the Church in our day.
To understand this
heresy, part of which has been covered in earlier chapters, we must
trace its roots back to the dawn of Christianity.
"As the Christian
Faith began to make inroads in the Roman Empire, it infuriated
Jews who saw this new faith as a Hebrew heresy.
Part of their
reaction to the success of this spin-off faith was overt
hostility by Jews toward Christians. As a means to lampoon
Christians, Jewish scholars began spreading rumors that Jesus
was sexually promiscuous and unfaithful to his wife.
This rumor appears in
the third century Talmud, a Jewish book of learning and
philosophy used to train rabbis. The Talmud claims that Jesus
was the bastard son of whore and was an evil sorcerer and vile
(i.e., sexually deviant) man."15
"This belief that Jesus was corrupt and sexually active
was seen again in the writings of Celsus, a Pagan philosopher
who lived in the second century AD. Celsus stated that Jesus
had many wives and mistresses and that that was why he was hated
during his life. Consequently, this belief moved from rumors
repeated by Jewish scholars into the mainstream of the Roman
"It was not until St. Clement of Alexandria, also in the second
century, that any Christian leader overtly denied that Jesus
Christ was married. Clement believed that a married
Jesus was inconsistent with his role as the Savior of the
World. Not that marriage would have disqualified him, but rather
that his public ministry was too demanding to allow Him the
opportunity for marriage.
Clement's rejection of a married Jesus clearly
illustrates that many early Christians believed Jesus had
a wife. However, this was not a matter of Church doctrine but
fell more along the lines of a theological opinion."17
At the same time that
this notion of a married and sexually promiscuous Jesus was
current, another strange religious belief was fermenting in the
ancient world - the belief that certain individuals were the Second
Coming of Jesus.
This conviction has been
neglected by scholars, and few, if any, historians or theologians
have afforded it much examination. It is a larger phenomenon in the
annals of Western history than one would commonly believe.
As will be seen, some of
these false Messiahs (I use this term to denote only those who
claimed to be
Jesus Christ) were also extremely active sexually and magical in
their theology, suggesting that they may have been influenced by the
Talmudic view of Christ.
"Around the time of
Constantine's reign a Messiah named Moses of Crete arose, and
soon amassed a large following. Moses claimed to be the Savior
and recruited Christians into his movement. He formed his own
army and, as a means to put his divinity where his mouth was,
promised to re - enact the miracle of his famous Old Testament
Moses of Crete
assembled his legion of followers on a beach front and promised
these fully armored soldiers that he would part the waters and
allow them to travel across the floor of the ocean. Moses must
have had a strong belief in his own magical powers; he raised
his hands and commanded the water to divide as his troops
marched full pace into the ocean.
As the sea rose to
their waists some of the soldiers wisely turned back while the
more faithful marched in over their heads and drowned when their
heavy equipment dragged them down to the ocean floor. When the
survivors regrouped on the shore their Messiah was nowhere to be
found. Moses of Crete had disappeared into the dustbin of
Over two hundred
years later St. Gregory of Tours recounts the story of the
Messiah of Gevaudon.
In AD 589 a man
clothed in animal skins began professing to be Christ...
and preached among the poor. He offered magical healing services
as part of his ministry and began to attract huge crowds. Soon
his congregation swelled to over 3,000 people, comprised mostly
of illiterate peasants - but, reports Gregory, he also had
devout followers among highly educated priests and religious.
As the 'Savior' moved
through France many towns actually capitulated and acknowledged
him as 'Christ,' most likely to avoid confrontation with
his huge number of supporters, who followed him in droves.18
"Upon approaching the town of Le Puy this God/Man sent
naked male followers ahead to convert the local Catholic bishop.
These nude Apostles turned somersaults and danced their way into
the bishop's court. The prelate considered them to be possessed
and saw nothing but trouble coming.
The Messiah of
Gevaudon was also the first false Christ reported to be
sexually active. Gregory states that 'with him he took a woman
who pretended to be his sister whom he called Mary.' The church
officials would have none of this and sent assassins to stab
this fake Christ to death and send him to next world.
After his passing,
Gregory states that many of his followers considered him to be
authentic and even believed that his consort (or sister) Mary
was divine, reporting that she was worshiped by his followers.
Gregory further asserts that he found himself debating with the
followers of the Messiah of Gevaudon many years after the
'Savior's' death, thus proving that this cult survived for quite
some time."19
"Around AD H44 another Messiah appeared named Eon de Stella (Age
of Heaven), who began his ministry in Northern France. Eon had a
flair for organizing and, after declaring himself the 'Son of
God and Judge of the World,' formed his own church with
priests and bishops. Eon's followers consisted mostly of poor
folk who divided their time between foraging in the forest for
food and hearing their Savior preach on the nature of his own
Fearing a rival
church, the local Catholic bishop of Rouven captured Eon de
Stella and imprisoned him. As a means to see if this Son of Man
could live solely by spiritual means, the bishop denied him food
and Eon de Stella soon died of starvation.
His priests and
bishops were burnt at the stake for their belief in Eon's
divinity, although nothing is recorded concerning what became of
his many poor followers."20
The most famous of the
Medieval false Messiahs was Tanchelm of Antwerp, who started out as
a courtier in the service of the King of Flanders during the early
twelfth century.
After abandoning his
career as a diplomat, Tanchelm sported a monk's robe, transformed
himself into a freelance preacher, and began ministering to
peasants. This strategy of going "straight to the people" proved
effective, as Tanchelm soon amassed a huge following.
He assembled twelve
Apostles, one of whom was a woman he called Mary, and began
collecting huge sums from his followers by commanding them to stop
tithing to the Church of Rome and start giving him a small portion
of the savings.
"With this new
wealth, Tanchelm gave up his monk's robe and began living in the
style of a king. He had the finest clothes, luxurious homes, and
the admiration of his fanatical followers. In a surreal
incident, Tanchelm proclaimed that he was betrothed to the
Virgin Mary. In an elaborate marriage ceremony, Tanchelm married
a statue of the Blessed Mother and his followers showered the
new couple with their own jewelry.
One can only
speculate as to whether or not this union was consummated. The
Catholic Church could do little about Tanchelm, as his following
was huge and he was protected by zealous devotees. The Church
resorted to an old trick - they had Tanchelm assassinated by a
priest who was allowed to approach him, and he died of a quick
knife thrust.
Thus, the Christ
of Antwerp suffered the same fate as the Messiah of Gevaudon did
almost 500 years earlier."21
"It is clear that the ancient notion of a married Jesus
accented the beliefs of at least some of these false Messiahs.
But was there any movement that solidified this odd notion and
carried it over from the Middle Ages to modern times? Amazingly,
the answer is yes. A religious movement called the Brethren of
the Free Spirit emerged just after the year AD i200 and preached
some very pertinent theological concepts.
This heresy declared
that God is within us all and that the Church of Rome is
unnecessary for salvation. The Brethren contended that every man
and woman is, in effect, his or her own 'Christ,' with no
need of any God. As one can imagine, the Vatican had
little use or tolerance for such a movement and those who
preached the doctrines of the Brethren of the Free Spirit were
persecuted by Catholic bishops throughout Europe.
The movement was
forced to go underground, where its teachings became even
"The Brethren believed themselves divine - each individual was a
'Messiah' - and combined this with the conception that the
original Messiah was married and sexually active. Their 'gospel'
contended that after the Resurrection, Jesus Christ had
sexual intercourse with Mary Magdalene and that He taught a form
of sex magic.
They also had even
more disturbing beliefs - that incest was permissible and even
spiritual; that homosexuality was normal and even a method of
enlightenment; that parents should watch their own children
being sexually abused, etc."23 (One cannot help
thinking of Paul Shanley's odd teachings.)
"A statement by one of the Brethren (called Beghards) in Germany
reads as follows: 'And when they go to confession and come
together and he preaches to them, he takes the one who is most
beautiful among them and does to her all according to his will,
and they extinguish the light and fall one upon the other, a man
upon a man and woman upon a women, just as it comes about.
Everyone must see with his own eyes how his wife and daughter is
abused by others, for they assert that one can commit sin below
his girdle (waist).'"24
"In the fourteenth century the Black Death devastated Europe and
gave the Brethren of the Free Spirit an opportunity to spread
their strange gospel in peace. The decimation of the secular and
church authorities left a void open for the Brethren to fill.
For a short time they dominated the spiritual lives of various
cities and villages in France and Germany.
The Brethren allied
themselves with the anti-clerical Luciferians - a sect of Devil
Worshipers who contended that God had obtained Heaven by
revolution. They revised the Lord's Prayer to read 'Our Father
who Art in Heaven... if He is in Heaven it is by force and
"The Luciferians' primary belief was that the rule of God
should be usurped by Lucifer, whom they worshiped in their
debased liturgy. The Brethren of the Free Spirit and the
Luciferians soon merged into a single heretical sect and roamed
Europe spreading their devilish doctrine. It was during this
period that bas-relief sculptures depicting humans kneeling
before the Devil and adoring the Fallen Angel began to appear in
various churches and cathedrals throughout France. These frescos
were not installed by Roman Catholics but rather by the Brethren
and their ideological cohorts."26
"Some of the Brethren formed roving gangs that looted villages
and towns, oftentimes killing noblemen and Catholic clergy
weakened by the plague. The bubonic bacterium spread quickly via
rodents and annihilated entire regions throughout the continent
and British Isles. This left no one alive to defend the few
survivors from these murderous companies.
Survivors of the
plague where sometimes killed by an advance team called the
Order of the Mortus, that burned all bodies they encountered,
living or dead, as a means to weaken the spread of the plague
and protect the advancing plunderers from infection."27
"The most famous of these Luciferian adventurers was named
Werner of Urslingen. He formed a company of criminal raiders who
pillaged their way through the Italian and German States. Werner
wore an amulet around his neck which read, 'Enemy of God,
All Charity, and Mercy.'
Another famous
Luciferian leader was the former Catholic priest Armaud de
Gervole, who was deemed one of the most notorious looter barons
of the fourteenth century.
In their wake these Devil
worshipping marauders cleared the way for the Brethren of the Free
Spirit to become the dominant form of Christianity in many parts of
They frequently took over
Christian churches and cathedrals - especially in France.
During this period's
worst wave of devastation, between AD 1350 and 1400, there was a
mini-Dark Age bought about by the Black Death.
"Before this bitter
age, all artistic representations of Lucifer depicted the Fallen
Archangel tumbling from Heaven or being subdued or crushed by
such heavenly figures as Saint Michael or the Virgin Mother.
After the bubonic plague reached its apex (c. AD 1350), the
Devil began to be represented in churches as a powerful figure
being worship by human beings.
Images of same sex
encounters also began to appear in church bas-reliefs. This
demonstrates that the Brethren controlled certain edifices and
performed Luciferian ceremonies in Houses of God."29
"Scholar Philip Zeigler examined this strange period and stated,
'the terrors of the Black Death drove men to seek a more
intense, a more personal relationship with God, who thus
scourged him; it led him out of the formal paths of religion
and, by a short remove, tumbled him into the darkest pit of
Satanism.' Consequently, the Luciferians gained many converts
owing to the chaos and fatalities bought about by the plague.
When the Black Death started to subside and the Church of Rome
began to reassert its influence, members of the Luciferian
Brethren of the Free Spirit were bought to justice. Although the
Inquisition harmed many innocent victims, such as village
herbalists, whom they mistook for Luciferians, one positive
consequence of this ecclesiastical court was the suppression of
the Brethren.
Female members of the
sect, called Beguines, attested to their intent to mimic
Lucifer's primordial rebellion and his attempt to become God.
Although contemporary scholarship is wary of accepting the
records of the Inquisition, which they see as biased and
inaccurate, the Luciferian intent of the Free Spirit sect can be
confirmed by one of this cult's surviving documents.
"A Free Spirit tract, called Schwester Katrei, states the
'the Spirit of
Freedom or the Free Spirit is attained when one is wholly
transformed into God. This union is so complete that
neither the Virgin Mary nor the Angels are able to
distinguish between man and God. In it one is
restored to one's original state, before one flowed out of
the Deity.
One is illumined
by that essential light, beside which all created light is
darkness and obfuscation. Rejoice with me, for I have become
God... I am made eternal in my eternal blessedness.'
One need only recall
that Lucifer means 'Illumination' or 'Light Bearer' in Hebrew to
understand who the actual deity of the Brethren of the Free
Spirit is."31
"The Roman Catholic Church tried hard to destroy this strange
sect. When the Church retook the Cathedral of Albi, which had
fallen into the hands of the Brethren, they discovered that the
heretics had carved a fresco of sodomites engaged in
intercourse. As with all the Brethren's diabolic art, this work
was likely used as a teaching device.
The various fiendish
frescos would most certainly have taken a prominent place in
these houses of worship, for example, on the altar, when the
Brethren of the Free Spirit were in power circa AD 1350 - 1400.
As the Black Death receded and the Vatican regained control of
its sacred edifices, the Catholic curates redesigned the artwork
and put these diabolical representations in a lesser place in
the churches as a symbol of Christ's retaking of His
It was more expedient
for the prelates to show Christian figures dominating the
infernal images in the artwork as a means to make it perfectly
clear that the Pope of Rome was once again in power."32
"The Church's degree of success in dismantling this cult is
unclear. However, it is certain that around 1550 another Messiah
appeared in Germany, teaching the same doctrines as the Brethren
of the Free Spirit. This false Messiah's name was Klaus Lugwig,
and he formed a church that he called the 'Blood Friends,'
proclaiming himself the Son of God.
This new Savior
appointed twelve Apostles to serve as the rural spreaders of his
sex gospel. His growing congregation enjoyed only one sacrament
- sex. Children born out of wedlock in this church were deemed
sacred. Ludwig ordered the Blood Friends to observe strict
secrecy and never to reveal the inner teachings of his church to
the uninitiated."33
"The group was discovered by the civil authorities and put on
trial. The Messiah Ludwig escaped and never faced trial. One of
the Blood Friends' apostles admitted to having sex with i6
different women, most of whom were the wives of Church members.
After the trial, the
remaining members were forced to join conventional Christian
The next Messiah to
emerge was Jacob Frank (1726 - 91), whose story we told in
the chapter on Father James Foley. As mentioned, Frank hoodwinked
the Hapsburg Emperor and Empress into believing that he was God
and that sex magic was the real gospel of Jesus Christ.
Some 40 years after
Frank's death,
Joseph Smith began espousing similar ideas in the United
Sewer Churches
As demonstrated, the notion that Jesus was married and promoted a
form of sex magic survived from ancient times to the early
nineteenth century.
The Mormons, as illustrated in the
chapter on brainwashing and SRA, continued this belief in the 1830s
and added to it the belief that they are the blood descendants of
Jesus and Mary Magdalene. It is clear that the ideas of the Brethren
of the Free Spirit survived the Petrine Office's attempts to
eradicate the sect. Its teachings survived despite a great effort on
the part of the Church to discredit its central tenets.
This effort included everything from
reasoned debate to burning advocates of this view at the stake.
This is where the ideas promoted in Dan Brown's work of fiction on
this subject, entitled
The Da Vinci Code, prove false.
Brown follows
the premise first stated in
Holy Blood, Holy Grail
1980) by Baigent,
Leigh, and Lincoln, that for centuries the Roman Catholic Church
secretly protected the blood descendents of Jesus Christ and his
alleged spouse and covertly sought to give this bloodline political
Nothing could be further from the truth.
In reality the Church of Rome sought to eradicate the followers of
this belief, and those who held similar notions, by every means
possible. Even the most evil of popes kept the doctrines of the See
of Peter intact and fought heterodoxy even though they were
personally immoral.
This is not to say that there were not
people within the Catholic Church, such as the followers of Jacob
Frank, who did hold strange and heretical views that mimicked the
teachings of the Brethren of the Free Spirit. However, traditional
Roman Catholicism never tolerated such people - that is, until
very recently, as will be demonstrated below.
Before we address this compromise made
by the Vatican, we must take a look at the various branches into
which the underground sewer, as promoted by the Brethren of the Free
Spirit, divided and then reconnected.
The Masonic
As Johannes Nohls pointed out in his masterful and wonderful book
The Black Death (1928), when they shook loose from Rome's control
and were able to practice their strange beliefs without Vatican
intervention, the Brethren of the Free Spirit introduced demonic and
pornographic frescos to various church structures.
The artisans who actually produced these
sacrilegious and homosexual images would have to have been
In Medieval times only the Freemasons had the skill to
create the sort of elaborate stonework and art which now decked the
heretical churches and cathedrals. It is not unreasonable to
conclude that some branch of the Freemasons was converted to the
heretical beliefs of the Brethren and other Luciferian sects in
A potpourri of unorthodox groups
flourished in Southern France even after the Albigensian Crusade was
called to put a stop to these sects.
"After the Church of Rome regained
ecclesiastical control, the Freemasons could easily have
retained the doctrines espoused by the Brethren of the Free
Spirit within their secret society.
Freemasons who were also Brethren
could simply have incorporated this heretical theology into
their fraternity right under the noses of the Catholic bishops
sent to reconvert the local people. It must be recalled that the
Brethren were in fact Luciferian in that their strange sex
ceremonies mimicked Lucifer's rebellion; their claim to be God
was a mini-reenactment of the Fallen Angel's primordial attempt
to usurp heaven.
Such sexual activities are a sort of
Luciferian power trip in which devotees mock all sexual
restrictions established by the Church of Rome. Lucifer is, in
fact, worshiped in Freemasonic rituals as the Morning Star, and
members are called 'Sons of the Morning Star,' which is a clear
reference to Lucifer's rebellion as recounted in Isaiah 14."35
This belief survives in modern
Consider this quote from Albert Pike, an
occultist who helped shape modern Freemasonry:
"LUCIFER, the Light-bearer. Strange
and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness. Lucifer,
the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light... Doubt it
not." 36
(Scholar Dr. John Ankerberg has
determined that this statement is authentic despite the
controversy surrounding the authenticity of the quote.)
In the chapter on SRA and brainwashing,
we saw that the founder of Mormonism, Joseph Smith, was a Mason and
that he and his successor, Brigham Young, brought the ideas,
beliefs, and symbols of Freemasonry into Mormonism.
This constitutes a side-branch of the
underground sewer. Mormons even afford Lucifer a high place in their
theology, calling him the Spirit brother of Jesus. There is no Devil
in the Christian sense within Latter Day Saints' theology.
The Mormons worship Satan as an aspect
of God.
"However, is there any proof that
Mormons are engaged in the bizarre sex rituals of Brethren of
the Free Spirit?
Strangely, the answer is yes. Newsman Kent
Larson has reported that the Church of Latter Day Saints is
undergoing a pedophile crisis that mimics the situation in the
Roman Catholic Church.
According to a lawyer representing
victims of abuse in the LDS church, his legal action is just the
first step in "the long struggle to expose the Mormon Church's
epidemic pattern of providing a safe and secret haven for child
Not only that, but Mormon theology has
created the likes of Brian David Mitchell, who abducted Elizabeth
Smart; it has also produced even more depraved individuals.
"Such is the case of Jeffrey
Lundgren - a Mormon who, like
Aleister Crowley, had a vision of
himself as Jesus Christ on the Cross. Lundgren, who started out
as a tour guide at Joseph Smith's original temple, soon broke
off from his parent Mormon group and formed his own church.
After gathering a small cohort of
followers, Lundgren revealed to his devotees that he was the
'god of the earth,' and demanded that his female followers
worship him as Jesus in deranged sex rituals. When he achieved
orgasm in these outlandish ceremonies, which he called
'Intercessions,' Lundgren equated his own ejaculations with the
spilling of Christ's blood.
Lundgren was worshiped as Jesus
Christ in these sex rites. This is astounding when seen in the
light of the charges leveled against Father Robert Meffan and
Father James Foley, who were accused of doing more or less the
same thing."38
The Masonic sewer stream has another
branch that flowed down from the Knights Templars, who were allied
with the Masons for a time, to Aleister Crowley.
The Great Beast Crowley derived many of
his beliefs from Freemasonic offshoots, such as Karl Kelner's occult
organization. As we have mentioned, Crowley was the driving force
behind rocketry pioneer and occultist Jack Parsons, whose esoteric
protégé, L. Ron Hubbard, founded Scientology.
From Scientology arose Robert Moore [IS
THIS THE SAME AS DEGRINSTON??] and Charles Manson (Manson studied
Scientology in jail before meeting up with Moore after his release).
Both Moore and Manson had their followers worship them both as Jesus
Christ and Satan in sex rites - a belief that is found, in whole or
in part, in the theology of groups descended from the Brethren of
the Free Spirit.
As has been noted, this branch of the
underground sewer intersected with Father Paul Shanley in
Massachusetts in the 1970s.
The Roman
Catholic Branch
The other main branch of the underground sewer that flows from the
Brethren of the Free Spirit down to modern times involves,
tragically enough, a Roman Catholic offshoot.
Although the Church tried to suppress
the heretical Brethren, their beliefs kept re-emerging in Western
civilization. Perhaps it remained alive in an oral tradition passed
down secretly from generation to generation. This seems quite
logical, considering the lack of literacy and of documents before
the invention of the printing press.
How otherwise could such similar
convictions keep recurring, unless they were passed down orally from
the time of the Brethren's reign in France in the mid - fourteenth
century? Even the literate would not have had access to Inquisition
records and surviving sect tracts, which would be the only written
history of this heretical group.
However, even were it only a case of
revival based on written records, no one can deny the damage done by
devotees of this odd belief system.
We saw in the chapter on Fr. Meffan that recently leaked Church
records show that this sick cleric was initiated into a Messiah cult
by an unidentified figure called "the mystic," who revealed to
Meffan that he was the "Christ of the Second Coming."
It was further suggested that this
mystic may have been somehow connected to the cult founded by Jacob
Frank - the false Messiah who convinced the Habsburgs that he was
Jesus Christ. Perhaps there was a direct link from Frank to Meffan.
No one can deny that the Messianic ideas and rituals of Frank and
Meffan are virtually identical.
But how could such a connection have
survived from the time of Frank in Austria, in 1791, to Meffan who
operated his cult in the USA in the 1960s? Frank's daughter Eva
propagated her father's teachings well into the early 1800s, but was
there any other extension of the Frankist cult? Astonishingly, the
answer is yes.
Frankism not only survived, but thrived in the upper echelons of
European culture.
Jewish historian Max I. Dimont tells the
story of the Frankist Diaspora in his famous book
God, Jews and
History (1961):
"Many of these baptized Frankists,
coming from scholarly Jewish backgrounds, did not lose their
learning at the baptismal font. They rose to the highest
government posts in Poland and Russia, married nobility and
royalty, and may even have fathered liberal elements in the
subsequent history of these two nations."
Remember that Frankists converted to
Roman Catholicism as a means to promote Jacob Frank as the Messiah,
and not because he believed in the tenets of the Church of Rome.
Furthermore, Frank's theology reflected
the teachings of the Brethren of the Free Spirit in that he believed
sexual encounters during religious rituals represented the original
teaching of Jesus Christ.
Much like the Brethren, Frank taught that
every man was a "Messiah" and needed to be worshiped as such in
esoteric sex ceremonies.
It must be constantly remembered that
whether this set of heretical principles came down through a direct
line, or re-emerged as a revival based on written records, becomes
almost a moot point when one considers the great damage such
sacrilegious beliefs and practices have caused to scores of victims
over the past 1,500 years.
However, there is no reason not to think that Frank's followers did
not covertly continued his theology while they assumed positions of
high power in Europe. Perhaps they quietly practiced their Frankism
until they saw a chance to hijack the Church of Rome into conforming
to Frank's original plan. Dimont mentions that these Frankists were
most likely the harbingers of liberal trends in Europe.
Their chance at finally moving into full
control of the Petrine Office came after World War II, when
liberalism began to become popular among Catholic prelates.
The Second Vatican Council, held in the mid-1960s, brought a new
liberal agenda into the Church. Strangely enough, the Church sought
reconciliation with Freemasonry, which had been deemed an enemy of
Catholicism by several Popes. Along with this openness, a directive
to protect Frankist-type priests like Robert Meffan and James D.
Foley came as a direct result of the Council.
The Petrine Office's outreach to
Freemasonic circles came in the form of a Masonic ceremony held in
the Vatican sometime in 1963 by Catholic clergy who had joined the
fraternity despite the fact that it was against Church law. This was
permitted as part of the liberalism the Council promoted.
Malachi Martin mentions this rite in his
final book
Windswept House (1996).
Pope Paul VI made a shadowy reference to
this ceremony in 1972, when he publicly stated,
We have the impression that
through some cracks in the wall the smoke of Satan has
entered the temple of God: it is doubt, uncertainty,
questioning, dissatisfaction, confrontation...
We thought
that after the Council a day of sunshine would have dawned
for the history of the Church. What dawned, instead, was a
day of clouds and storms, of darkness, of searching and
"If one considers how some Catholic
cardinals embraced the Freemasons, Pope Paul's impression seems
valid. One such prelate was Cardinal Terrence Cooke of New York.
Addressing over 3,000 Masons in NYC in 1980, he stated, "I know
of your firm belief in the Supreme Being, the Great Architect of
the Universe, and of the holy writings appropriate to the
religion of your members, and I salute you for your loyalty to
these ancient values."40
"Cardinal Cooke cow-towed to Masonry's most frightening heresy -
the worship of Lucifer, which, as Albert Pike wrote, was the
ultimate concern of the Lodge. Cooke's comments were permeated
with occult meaning. In fact, the Masonic Lodge's 'Supreme
Architect of the Universe' is none other than Lucifer, who
conceals himself in Lodge rituals with the names of such
sinister beings as Baphomet and Abaddon, as well as in other
Freema-sonic camouflage."41
"This concession and alliance with the Masonic Lodge exploded in
i982 when an elaborate money-laundering scheme orchestrated by
the Vatican Bank, the P-2 Freemasonic Lodge, and elements of the
Mafia was exposed by Italian authorities. The repercussions of
this cabal resulted in the ritual murder of Vatican banker
Roberto Calvi in London.
The investigation into the killing of Calvi has recently been reopened by British authorities. This
blatant exposure of the Vatican/Masonic cabal caused Church
officials to restate its ban on Catholics joining the Lodge in
"Although the Church reinstated its ban against Catholics
becoming Freemasons, several prelates maintained strong links to
the Lodge. Cardinals Hume and Bernardine both had clear ties to
the Masonic Lodge despite the reassertion of restrictions by the
Informal gatherings of the Catholic Knights of Columbus
and the Freemasons were held in the mid 1990s, with the tacit
support of bishops."43
The other major concession made by the
Second Vatican Council involves what Malachi Martin called
"Lucifer's Lodge" - the cult of Luciferian and Satanist priests who
operated covertly in the Church with the protection of Catholic
Satanist Catholic priests like Sean Fortune and
Bernard J.
Lane were practicing a form of Luciferian religion even though they
did not seek to be worshiped as Christ. Indeed, they performed what
Martin referred to as "the culmination of the Fallen Angel's rites"
- i.e., the rape of male children. In this diabolical scenario the
child becomes a substitute for Christ.
The Satanist priest destroys
the innocence of his victim as an attack upon the innocence of
Christ. In this sense the male child victim becomes a proxy for the
symbolic destruction of God - a clearly Luciferian practice.
Luciferian and Satanist priests are merely different sides of the
same diabolic coin, with the Satanists practicing what is considered
by this cult to be a somewhat higher form of Devil worship.
The Church policy concerning the protection of this cult was written
by Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani in 1962 and was intended to be a
secret internal Vatican document to be read only by bishops and
cardinals of the Church of Rome.
A copy of this document was leaked
by a Vatican insider to CBS News, which reported the following:
The document, once "stored in the
secret archives" of the Vatican, focuses on crimes initiated as
part of the confessional relationship and what it calls the
"worst crime": "sexual assault committed by a priest" or
"attempted by him with youths of either sex or with brute
Bishops are instructed to pursue these cases "in the
most secretive way... restrained by a perpetual silence... and
everyone (including the alleged victim)... is to observe the
strictest secret, which is commonly regarded as a secret of the
Holy Office... under the penalty of excommunication." Larry Drivon, a lawyer who represents alleged victims, said, "This
document is significant because it's a blueprint for deception."
Drivon said this proves what he has alleged on behalf of victims
in priest-abuse lawsuits: that the church engaged in a crime
- racketeering. "It's an instruction manual on how to deceive
and how to protect pedophiles," Drivon said. "And exactly how to
avoid the truth coming out."44
Once CBS reported on the existence of
this secret document, Catholic prelates began back-peddling,
claiming the document was restricted to sex crimes committed in
confession (i.e., priests soliciting sex during the Catholic
sacrament of confession).
They claimed it had nothing to do with
church policy concerning child-molesting priests. However, they
never explained how brute animals fit into the equation (remember,
Paul Shanley stated that it is healthy for children and animals to
have sex).
But one must ask whether any Satanist priests were
protected by a bishop under this policy? The answer is yes.
Irish Times journalist Alison O'Connor reports in her book Message
from Heaven (2000) that when Bishop Comisky was initially exposed
for protecting the Satanist Father Sean Fortune in 1998, he claimed
that he could take no effective action in the matter because the
situations involved matters of confession and that he was bound by
church policy to remain silent on the matter.
Comisky was, in
effect, appealing to the 1962 Ottaviani document and letting his
superiors in Rome know that he was following their dictates
concerning pervert priests.
Keep in mind that Comisky made this
statement years before the document was leaked. This tactic worked,
as Comisky was given a reprieve for several years until the BBC
exposed the extent to which he protected Fortune and allowed scores
more boys to be molested by the priest, after which the bishop was
forced to resign.
This leads to an uncanny statistic concerning the priest abuse
fiasco. In a report filed on Feb. 27, 2004, Boston Globe journalist
Kevin Cullen reported:
Most of the sexual abuse reported to
the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston over the last half
century took place between 1965 and 1982, and more than one-third
of the archdiocesan priests accused of sexual abuse in that
period were ordained between 1960 and 1969, raising more
questions than answers about how and why abuse peaked in that
Among the priests, victims, advocates, and clinicians
interviewed, some suggest that the priests responsible for the
bulk of abuse came of age in a more permissive era, when
authority was being challenged at all levels and when the sexual
revolution emboldened those who were attracted to children and
Others say that seminaries - especially St. John Seminary in
Brighton, which is run by the Boston Archdiocese - did a poor
job of screening out potential abusers.
Still others say it was a simply a matter of demographics: the
numbers of priests who sexually abused minors were highest when
the total number of priests serving in the archdiocese was
highest, and the number dwindled with the drop in priests and
the growing awareness in the wider society of the dangers of the
sexual abuse of children.
Cullen's observation really brings home
the fact that the Papal policy enacted at the Second Vatican Council
set the stage for Lucifer's Lodge to take over the Boston
Archdiocese and the rest of the Roman Catholic Church.
By 1982 the
seminaries were so packed with gays and pedophiles that potential
priests quickly fled their priestly formation. The Luciferians who
ran the seminaries would harass and ridicule those who refused to
engage in homosexual activity or tolerate pedophile priests. [IS
A case in point is when Cardinal Law recommended that Rev. George
Berthold be given a teaching position at a Southern seminary, even
though Berthold was dismissed as Dean of Students from St. John's
Seminary Boston for attempting to initiate a 19-year-old seminarian
into a secret gay cult consisting of priests and seminarians.
claimed Berthold had a spotless record in Boston even when removing
him for predatory homosexual activity after students repeatedly
complained. (Boston Globe May 15, 2002).46 [Many similar
examples are chronicled in Michael Rose's Goodbye, Good Men: How
Liberals Brought Corruption into the Catholic Church (2002)].
The Catholic branch of the underground sewer survived in Frankist
liberal ideas held by clerics on the fringes of the Roman Catholic
Church, and was what Malachi Martin called "Lucifer's Lodge."
peripheral movement had most likely existed within the Church since
the time of Jacob Frank. It was granted a license to operate freely
by the Second Vatican Council and would enjoy the full protection of
the Petrine Office until it was exposed in 2002 by the Boston Globe.
Before it was uncovered, however, Lucifer's Lodge may have executed
one of the most spectacular diversionary tactics in the history of
The Roman
Catholic Church and Satanic Panic
In Chapter One the fact that the Roman Catholic Church was at the
heart of much of the satanic panic scare of the 1980s was suggested.
A closer examination of this assertion illustrates the shadowy hand
that the Catholic Lucifer's Lodge had in the spread of this
witchcraft hysteria.
The popular book
Michelle Remembers
(1980) really set the stage for the hysteria that was to engulf the
United States and send innocent people to prison. It was written by
a Catholic and, although it was later proven to be a fraud, it
greatly influenced the policemen, social workers, clergy, and
newsmen who fueled this mass panic.
Michelle Smith could not have
done a better job promoting an atmosphere of suspicion, fear, and
ultimately disbelief concerning the existence of secret Satanist
covens that abused children.
Lucifer's Lodge may have exploited the frenzy promoted by this book
as a means to divert attention from their own ritual abuse of
When the first accusations against child care workers at the
McMartin pre-school erupted in California, it was the American
Martyrs Catholic Church that spearheaded and organized much of the
hype and hysteria that overtook the region.
This led author Paul Eberle to write that,
"the Church was very accommodating with the
lynch mob" (and he pointed out that most of the accusing parents
were members of the American Martyrs Church. They were strongly
urged by the Church to file charges - however absurd - against the
clearly innocent child care workers.)
Meanwhile, pedophile priests quietly molested children in the
Archdiocese of Los Angeles and the Diocese of Orange County with the
full knowledge of the two Chanceries, both quite near where the
American Martyrs Church and the McMartin School were located.
the McMartin family faced a witch trial and the American Martyrs
Church kept the media hysteria in full swing, Father Michael Stephen
Baker and Father Carlos Rene Rodriguez raped children without fear
of being hampered by the civil authorities. They were two of more
than 52 priests in the Los Angeles/ Orange County area accused of
sexually molesting children.
Strangely, the Bishop of Orange County at the time of the McMartin
trial was the Ven. William Johnson - former pastor of the American
Martyrs Church. Johnson was appointed bishop in i976 and remained in
this position until his death in i986. While his former parish
members prolonged the Satanic Panic that overtook Southern
California, Johnson was quietly shifting child molesting priests
around his diocese.
In 1976 Johnson hired Father Siegfried F. Widera
to work in the Orange County Diocese even though he knew this curate
had been removed from a parish in Wisconsin for raping children.
Widera continued to molest children with the full knowledge of
Johnson until 1985, when too many complaints flooded the diocesan
office and Widera was transferred out of state.
The McMartin case shifted public and especially media attention off
the Catholic Church and gave Johnson the leeway to protect Widera
and other sexually deviant priests. His former parish fueled the
flames of the McMartin trial as a smoke screen while Lucifer's Lodge
went about its vile business in Southern California. It is hard to
believe that all of the connecting factors could be a matter of pure
The other major Satanic Panic case took place in Malden,
Massachusetts at the Fells Acre Pre-school. It must be recalled that
Fr. Bernard J. Lane, who operated the Alpha Omega House in
Littleton, Massachusetts, had strong ties to the city of Malden.
Lane was assigned to Malden Catholic High School and opened his
first treatment center for drug addicted youths in Malden.
to a Boston Globe report by Matt Carroll, filed on March 25, 2002,
the Alpha Omega House was actually headquartered in Malden -
just a short walk from the Fells Acre Pre-school - under a nonprofit
secular charity called Adolescent Counseling in Development, Inc. (ACD)
- founded by Bernard J. Lane and others.
Even after Lane was removed
from the Alpha Omega House by state officials, he remained on the
board of ACD. This non-profit continued to operate until 1988, when
it was officially taken over by the Archdiocese of Boston and
changed its name to Life Resources, Inc., which is currently being
sued by victims of Lane.
Lane's replacement at Alpha Omega House was Father Rev. C. Melvin Surette, who was later accused of molesting children at Alpha Omega.
Even more disturbing are the charges filed against Dr. Scott Ward,
M.D., a psychiatrist hired by ACD to work at the Alpha Omega House.
Several of the Alpha Omega boys later accused Ward of molesting
them, and after he left Massachusetts and moved to Philadelphia,
Ward later faced charges for allegedly abusing a teenage boy in his
new state. It seems that Dr. Ward employed some form of mind control
or brainwashing technique on his victims similar to the methods used
on Elizabeth Smart.
According to another Boston Globe article filed
on May 27, 2002, Dr. Ward actually called up one of the boys whom he
allegedly sexually victimized in Massachusetts and asked him to
speak as a character witness at his trial for child rape in
Pennsylvania. Perhaps Ward had planted some hypnotic trigger code in
the victim so that he would respond in favorable ways about him if
questioned by the police. As a psychiatrist, Ward would have known
how to implant and activate such a controlled response.
While the Amirault Family was arraigned at the Malden Court House
and was eventually tried and sent to prison, the ACD quietly
operated under Lane's guidance.
Many of the parents of the alleged
victims at the Fells Acre School were Catholics who belonged to the
local parish church where Lane once served. As parents and social
workers forced children to concoct stories concerning a "secret
magic room" where children were sexually abused, the ACD staff
calmly sat around the corner, knowing full well that Lane actually
took young boys to a real ritual chamber called the Black Room.
The fact that the Catholic Church had a shadowy hand in both the
McMartin and Fells Acre cases strongly points to the reality of a
Church-generated diversion tactic to direct attention away from
child molesting priests and onto innocent child care workers.
Malachi Martin was correct in his assertion that Lucifer's Lodge
exists within the Church of Rome. Unfortunately, there are no quick
answers as to how to deal with this horrible state of affairs.
Lucifer's Lodge is an ongoing problem.
It is still in operation and should be
of major concern to people of goodwill everywhere.
1 Keys of this Blood: pp?? 632
2 Hostage to the Devil: XII??
3-5 Boston Globe Jan. 8, 2002.
6 Http://www.liberator.net/articles/McElroyWendy/CatholicChurch.
7-14 Paraphrased or paraphrased and quoted from "Massachusetts
Releases Scathing Report on Boston Sex Abuse," Salt of the Earth
Social Justice News, Clareton Publications, August 2003;
http://salt. claretianpubs.org/sjnews/2003/08/sjn0308e.html.
15 Paraphrased or paraphrased and quoted from "Jesus in the
Talmud," by Gil Student, 2000; http://www.angelfire.com/mt/talmud/jesus.html.
16 Based on Contra Celsum, Bk II, by Origen; http://www.gnosis.org/library/orig_cc2.htm.
17 Paraphrased or paraphrased and quoted from "Was Jesus
Married? A Quick Fact Sheet," from Hierogamy and the Married
Messiah (no
author given), scheduled for publication March 2004; http://www.grailchurch.org/marriedjesus.htm.
18-23 Wilson, Colin, Rogue Messiahs: Tales of Self-Proclaimed
Saviors (Charlottesville, VA: Hampton Roads 2000), p. 2i; pp. 2i
- 22; p. 23; pp. 23 - 24.
24 Paraphrased or paraphrased and quoted from "The Heresy of the
Free Spirit," taken from The Pursuit of the Millennium, by
Norman Cohn (Fair Lawn, NJ, Essential Books, i957); http://www.dhushara.com/book/cons
25 Nohls, Johannes, The Black Death: A Chronicle of the Plague
[compiled by Johannes Nohl from contemporary sources];
translated by C.H. Clarke (London: Allen and Unwin, 1926), p.
26 Wilson, p. 26.
27-30 Nohls, pp. i62 - 163; p. i63; p. i67; p. i63.
31 Wilson, p. 26.
32 Ziegler, Philip, The Black Death (New York: Penguin Books,
33 Paraphrased or paraphrased and quoted from "The Brethren of
the Free Spirit - Divine Immorality," by Paul Harrison, i998;
34 See http://www.unf.edu/classes/freshmancore/coreabroad/pictures/200iAlbi/Albi-Cathedral-interior-fresco-thedamned-PHi378.JPG.
35 - 36 Wilson, p. 27; p. 28.
37 - 38 Paraphrased or paraphrased and quoted from "Freemasonry
Watch," by Howard Rand, Digest of the Divine Law; http://www.freemasonrywatch.org/lucifer.html.
39 Pope Paul VI, June 29, 1972, Homily during the Mass for Sts.
Peter & Paul, on the occasion of the ninth anniversary of his
40 Paraphrased or paraphrased and quoted from "New About
Mormons, Mormonism and the LDS Church," by Kent Larsen,
Mormon-News, Sept. 9, 2001, References:
• "Mom: Bishop Knew of
Pedophile," by Elizabeth Neff, Salt Lake Tribune, Sept. 6,
2001. •"Mormon Church Settles $3 Million Sex Suit," Portland
Oregon, KGW TV8 (AP), Sept. 5, 2001.
• "LDS Church Settles Suit,
Paying $3M," by Elizabeth Neff, Salt Lake Tribune, Sept. 5,
• "Child Abuse Cover-Up Costs Mormon Church $3 Million," by
David Slader, Esq. Press Release, PRNewswire Sept. 5, 2001.
• "Sex Abuse Lawsuit Is Settled by Mormons for $3 Million,"
by Gustav Niebuhr, New York Times, Sept. 5, 2001.
• "Lawyer blasts LDS Church" by Carrie A. Moore, Deseret
News religion editor, Deseret News, Sept. 5, 2001.
• "Church Settles Abuse Case," by Carrie A. Moore, Deseret
News religion editor, Deseret News, Sept. 4, 2001; http://www.mormonstoday.com/
41 Wilson, p. 83.
42-43 Paraphrased or paraphrased and quoted from "The Pope, the
Devil and the Masonic Lodge," by Texe Marrs (?), Living Truth
Ministries; http://www.texemarrs.com/071997/popedev.htm.
44 Http://www.cnn.com/2002/WO.
45 Paraphrased or paraphrased and quoted from "The Knights of
Columbus and the Freemasons"; http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/2666/KOCandMasons.html.
46 Paraphrased or paraphrased and quoted from "Sex Crimes
Coverup by the Vatican?" August 6, 2003, CBS Broadcasting Inc.;